Modern Day Matriarch

Matriarch:  A woman who is recognized as being the head of a family, community, or people.

As I was driving into work today, a thought entered my mind and that thought was "I am a modern-day Matriarch". For years I would joke with my mother about her being the Matriarch of our family and how everyone respects her input and position, however I never imagined I would be in the same role.

Being a "Modern day Matriarch" to me means I am strong, wise, caring, and head of my family. I wear many hats, but yet I always find a way to enjoy being myself. There are so many women in the world who do not recognize how sexy this position can be! Knowing you are the Sugar Honey Ice Tea really takes confidence in your abilities. How many of you can truly say that you take time out to feed the inner you? That sexy beast waiting to break free!

Sadly, I encounter so many women who are broken and have loss that ability to see their worth. I too was one of those gals. I know what you are thinking, "not the fabulous Dreamer", oh but I assure you, it was true at one point. I bet you're asking, how did you get your "sexy back"? Well my dear sisters of the world, it took me stepping back and truly evaluating my contributions to my family. You see, we possess such great power as women, however many of us are afraid to utilize it out of fear of what people might label you and me. Now, don't get me wrong, there are a select few who abuse this magical power, however many of us let out bursts of it without even knowing.  There is so much knowledge we bring to the table and yet we play dumb. What up wit dat?!

I for one have come to love this new-found understanding. I put on that crown and walk into every situation knowing my worth. Whether it's my marriage, career, or even casual encounters, I wear my Crown proudly. I have taken control of my life and understand I can be a great mother, wife, and woman while still maintaining my femininity. I use my womanly charm to woo this male dominated world and make no excuses for my approach. I embrace my ability to bring life into our society and situations. I bask in the ability to charm people with my wit and intelligence. Why should I shrink myself in order to make people feel bigger and better? I say Nay! Be larger than life girls! Make a statement! Be an Earth Shaker! You are a Rose, soft petals and sticky thorns. Find that much needed balance in your life and become a Modern Day Matriarch and wear that Crown until the jewels fall out!

And I'm out…