B Day! The start of something new!

Hello world!

Today I woke up and realized that I made it to 32 years of age! Can yall believe that?! I remember being a senior in high school dreading New Years Eve in 1999. Don't act like yall don't remember, Y2K. But oh, did the world prove me wrong! I am still here 14 years later! My, life has really been one heck of a ride so far, but to be honest with you, I am just blessed to be able to write this post on a very special day…My Birthday!

Now, it has come to my attention, that throughout the years I have somehow allowed this awesome day to become, well, less awesome. With the weekly grind of work and chores, it almost seems "irresponsible" to have a little fun on this day, Monday  February 17, 2014, but you know what? I am going to put my best foot forward! People will try to tell me that I am a "Dreamer" or I live in a "Fairytale World" or as my Mom would say, "Take the glitter glasses off daughter and come back to the real world". But what is the real world? Is it working your butt off in a cubical and randomly glancing out a window wondering what those nomads are up to today? Or is it commuting in traffic for 45 mins. just to be flipped off by some guy who is in such a rush to make it to a job he probably hates. Well, if you ask me, I choose the glitter glasses any day.

This Blog is dedicated to us dreamers, star gazers, and those with an active imagination. I hope to one day live out this dream I have in my head and view life in Technicolor! I want to experience sights and sounds that I have only imagined. I want to taste the air in a way that I never knew was possible. I want to escape the Corporate Dry Toast environment, yall know what I mean. I want to LIVE! But it all has to start from somewhere and that somewhere is here. In my bed on a Monday morning, just called off from work because its my Birthday and for once in a long time, I want to do what I want to do rather than what's expected of me. I have no plans, but you know what, I'm pretty sure I can come up with something.

So lets begin this journey friends and see where it leads us and hopefully I can be an inspiration to someone out there. Now let's get it crackin iHappyn this piece! Ole!