Last Night I Had a Dream…

Last night, I had the strangest dream. There was a menacing storm cloud forming very quickly off in the distance and I knew something big was about to take place, but before I could do anything about it, water was surrounding my building. I peaked out the window to see what was happening and this surge of water was carrying my whole apartment building away. I panicked and reached for my daughter and found myself praying we would be okay. After drifting for a while, I peaked out the front door to see what was happening and to my surprise we were in the middle of an intersection. I couldn't recognize this new place, but I was relieved to know we made it safely.

So, of course my first reaction was to analyze the dream and try to find meaning in it and here is what I came up with.

God is showing me that I am currently being whooshed away into a new chapter of my life and there is a sense of uncertainty that is lingering in my mind. However, since I didn't get harmed in the dream and the apartment was still in one piece, then I felt it is safe to say everything will be fine.

I am relocating back to Texas and we are stepping out on faith for our entire journey. We have no jobs lined up, staying with relatives, and selling all of our possessions (minus clothing). So in a way, I believe the water represents a clearing of "things". Sometimes people feel they have to wait for the perfect circumstances before they make a big move like the one my family is embarking on. My personal belief is that God does His best work when you let go of what you have known for so long. This is hard for some people my age to understand, but I am actually feeling a sense of relief and lightness. To start fresh is the dream of most people and I am looking at this move as a new start on life. I have been in such a dark cloud for the majority of my twenties and finally, at age 32, feel like I have a deep understanding of true happiness. I just have to apply what I have learned thus far!

So, my friends, when you get that chance to drift with the tide, take it! You never know where you may land and that's what makes life exciting sometimes…the RIDE!

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